A Girl and Her Warhorse

Reveal False Hope.  Restore True Rescue.

A Girl and Her Warhorse, an in-depth study intended for small or large group use, draws readers into thought-provoking questions at the conclusion of each chapter.  Through sharing the vulnerabilities of my own journey, I hope to encourage my readers with comfort and honesty.  I challenge every women’s view of themselves in light of the Gospel and seek to help them reveal their “warhorses”, just as I was challenged during my process.  I encourage them to rediscover the deep love Jesus has for them and to restore their relationship with their true rescuer.



Angie Goeke inspires women of all ages to live for Christ. Her authentic approach to living with Jesus and sharing the trials and triumphs of the Christian life is encouraging as well as inspiring. She is a gifted writer, musician, mother and friend who loves big, feels deeply, and desires to live passionately. I know you will be blessed by her latest work… I know I was!

Dr. Nicole Fitzpatrick, Director of Counseling Hyde Park Counseling Center

Have you been waiting for the perfect time to experience a very special Bible Study? Wait no longer, the time has come! Angie’s grace-filled Bible Study engages you with seldom asked questions and thoughtful wise insights. You will be filled with gratitude which is the antidote to resentment followed by the Spirit’s gift of joy which replaces resentment. Her writing is contagious! You will be wondering, “What is Angie going to say next?” Enjoy!

Eunice Otte, LPC Owner Eunice Otte Professional Counseling

Honest. Transparent. Vulnerable. Hopeful. These are the words that come to mind when I read what Angie Goeke has written. From dreams to broken dreams and from darkness back to light, Angie unfolds her story in a way that will grab your heart and capture your reality. In a humble way, saturated with grace, this book will allow you to realize that you’re not alone. You’re not the only one going through your struggle and you’re not alone as you face difficult times. As Angie opens her heart, she speaks to women in a way that breaks down walls of doubt and self-protection and builds a new foundation of trust in the Faithful One, Jesus Christ. This book will help you be real about your life. It will also lead you to restoration, wholeness, and joy as a woman who is precious to God. Using solid Biblical teaching and candid personal experiences, Angie will help you grow and set you on a path of healthy growth for a lifetime. Get ready for an authentic look at life. Get ready to be honest, transparent, and vulnerable about yourself. Most of all, get ready to find hope in a Savior who loves you and draws near to you in every struggle and joy.

Michael Newman, Author of The Life You Crave: It’s All About Grace and Struggle Well

If you would like more information on A Girl and Her Warhorse, leave a comment or visit my Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/angiegoeke

To order visit amazon.com

 I’d love to hear from you.


  1. Angie, I am finding your writing to be an amazing source of strength and inspiration, along with a “perfect fit” for my Aunt Elva who is hospitalized, and myself, as we both seek answers to difficult times right now. There is a perfect time for everything, but, I wish I would have found your writing long ago. It is so amazing!!! Thank you so much. I am very anxious to be able to get your book

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